Över hela världen finns det institutioner som på olika sätt uppmärksammar, forskar på särskild begåvning. Begreppen skiftar och på engelska används talented, gifted, supernatural intelligence, enhanced intelligence . mm. Länken här under visar en lista på några av de mer kända institutionerna.
The Australian Association for the education of the gifted and talented
Byrdseed Gifted learners
CFGE The Center for Gifted Education\\
Dansk skola för högt begåvade barn
Davidson Institute for the profoundly gifted;
ECHA – European Council of High Abilities
Gifted Child Quarterly
Gifted Development Center
Gifted Education Research, Resource and Information Centre (GERRIC), University of New South Wales, Australia
2021 Global Principles for Professional Learning in Gifted Education
The Hong-Kong Academy for Gifted Education
Indiana Department of Education
Institute for Research and Policy on Acceleration, University of Iowa, U.S.A.
International Centre for the Study of Giftedness (ICBF), University of Münster, Germany
Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
NACE – National Association for Able Children in Education\\
NAGC National Association for Gifted Children
Potential Plus UK
SENG –Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted
Swiss Association for Gifted Children
The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children